Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 36

Today, I continued working on the particles driven vortex field. I took Bryan's rock and decided to give it a try using the same system Mr Ron helped me built yesterday. I did exactly the same as what is done yesterday.

Below is the result:

I then moved on by taking Bryan's new terrain which he was working on now, and reload it into my latest fracturing file. I had to do a lot of adjustments, such as the previous terrain was straight, but now it has bend. I got to bend the crack line to kind of match the terrain structure itself. Below is how it looks,

How it looks if I used back the old grid for the cracking line:



Other than that, nothing much has been changed compared to the previous terrain. I didn't had time to enter into dops and did the voronoi fracturing. So I only had the cracked open terrain ready. Below is how it looks:

After that I proceed on to implementing the particles driven vortex field for the secondary fracture onto the actual terrain itself.

I encountered some problems in trying to get the bounding sphere to affect the group that was supposed to fracture.

I asked Mr Ron for help and he told me the reason I couldn't get it to work was because the point numbers of the pre-fracture geometries are changing every frame when its playing.

He helped me fixed it by using a locked null node to store the entire geometry area. He then used a measure tool to measure the entire area of the geometry in terms of primitives.

As you can see above, the locked null node and 2 measure nodes. The reason there is 2 measure nodes is because, one of them is measuring a moving geometry area and the other a static geometry.

After that 2 attribpromote nodes are used to convert the data which is in primitive, into points data.

A point node is then used to determine the actual area being used. The variable "area" is defined by the second input which is from the locked null for the fixed area above.

Then a scatter point is used to scatter the points in the group which was created much earlier and by the attribute "area":

A voronoi fracture node is then used to create the pre-fractured data for the geometry.

However, Mr Ron discovered a problem. There was a serious increase number of points below the hierarchy and much above. That was the source of the problem as the data the point node received from both inputs will not matching. 

Below is how much it changes,

After the dop network,

Before the dop network,

As it is shown there is almost 3 times more points in difference. 

After much searching, Mr Ron found the problem to be with the facet somewhere in the middle of the hierarchy. And inside the facet, because the option " Cusp Polygons" was turned on that is why the problem occured. Turning the facet node off, fixed the problem. But the problem is that I had to re- rop out everything. 

After re- ropping out everything, I proceeded on to do the secondary fracture. I realised that in the foreach node, each "piece" group has 2 pieces inside. And when I tried to create a point in the centre, it ends up creating a point in the middle of the 2 geometry piece. At first, I didn't realised that problem existed. But until I saw this:

I thought that it wasn't something major, so I proceeded on trying out the simulation. The simulation turns out to be incorrect. I realised that the points in the centre is causing the problem.

And in order to fix that problem, I got to change the voronoi fracture node up above the hierarchy to only one. That will definitely fix the problem as now 2 voronoi fracture nodes are creating replicate groups.
I got to re-rop out all the files once again. And I do not think I could even make it in time to show Mr Douglas tomorrow. Let's see how it goes.....

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