Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 25

Today, I worked on the smoke emission from the terrain cracking. As I had did the smoke before, so doing this now saves me a lot of time.

Below is how it looks:

The popnetwork:

I also took a look at Peter Quint's creating smoke from particles file. I haven't watch the video as it is taking too long to load.

I realised that the way he did his smoke is totally different from how I did mine. I used sprites for mine which I believe it should be faster, but for him, he used particles also but he used a smokesolver to generate and color the smoke. The hierarchy looks complicated, so if my method doesn't work, I will explore further on his method.

One more thing that came to my mind which I was wondering. How could I emit particles only for the pieces which are breaking apart and how do I emit particles from the crack line. I would think about that now that I think I had the base out.

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