Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 28

Today I continued working on the particles emission, but this time for the fracturing. I am emitting particles from the inside group of the voronoi fracture. But when I put a delete node after the dopnetwork to retrieve the inside group, the inside group went missing. Not knowing why, I posted on forums asking for help.

Someone replied and told me that it is because I had a clean node inside my hierarchy and that deletes away the inside group. That is the reason I couldn't get the group out. Below is the problem and the solution:

After getting the inside group out, I went on to the particle emission. I wanted the particles to emit only after it starts to fall but I do not know how to start. Hence, I consulted Rap on how to tackle this problem. Rap told me that he knows how to emit particles from the collapsing piece when it falls within a boundingbox. He helped me set it up. Below it's how it looks:

It is a good start for me and I will see how it could proceed later on.

Hopefully I could compile both the cracking open particles and fracturing particles by today so that it can be shown. The scene is too laggy and ropping out bgeos are taking a long time.

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