Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 7

Today, I did more R and D on cracking, and Mr Ron continued helping me with the cracking of the ground plane he stopped with yesterday. He also found a thread on odforce which is more relevant to what we are trying for now. Below is a screen shot:

We did the test cracking of the ground:

Color generated by a sphere used for cracking:


 This is the final result:

Color generated by a curve used for cracking:

This is the final result:


With the help of Mr Ron, I created a grid, then I created a new attribute called crack. I painted the crack points using the paint node. Then I used a scatter node to scatter the points according to the crack attribute I created above. I added a voronoi fracture node to simulate all the crack lines. Then to simulate the crack and also have the ability to add more control to it, Mr Ron helped me suggested a way of doing it by controlling the cracking by color. Mr Ron helped me did a test by using a sphere as a starting point object for the crack. Then added color node to both the voronoi fracture node and the sphere node. The sphere node red and the voronoi fracture node black. Then used a attributetransfer node to control the distant threshold. We set a expression $T*5 and when its played, the red sphere will grow bigger as time pass.

Then, Mr Ron helped me add a foreach node as the color values is based on per point basis and we need it to be affected every piece of the geometry. Inside the foreach node, a attributepromote node is added to convert the class data type from point to primitive.

We then proceed to inside the dop network. With the help of Mr Ron, I set up a rbdfracturedobject node inside.( The reason why rbdglueobject wasn't used is because the glue and the glue impulse attribute isn't needed as we are not controlling when the object will break apart.) Then a group node is created, the reason is because, we are trying to group the geometry that is going to be cracked together by identifying their color attributes. Then after the group is determined, a gravity node is introduced, to make the cracked pieces fall. I added a noise function to the gravity node, to give it some randomness. Then the usual rbdsolver and ground plane is added.

After making sure it works, Mr Ron asked me to try and use a curve and animate it instead of using a sphere. Above is the result.

I also did the wall fracturing for my reel. When I playblasted it out, I realised there was a problem. The problem is that after the wall collapsed, the fractured pieces collided with each other and resulted in more collisions which caused the fractured pieces to somehow "float" around. Below is how it looks:

Mr Ron then suggested to me to try and use the rbdautofreeze node. What it does was that it freezes rbd objects when it comes to rest. But I haven't got it work though.
The video which had "floating" pieces of geometries:

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