Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 53

Today, I went on to add the arc and rocks and stuffs into the scene. Today, I came in and checked that my ropping of the bgeos sequences after the dopnetwork were done. Luckily. Initially, I started on the particles for the pieces falling down. I used a dopimport node to get the velocity attribute out from the dopnetwork. I then group points according to the velocity attribute in Y direction.

The group node:

I tried running it into the popnetwork immediately after this node, but it is INSANELY  slow. So I decided to rop it out. And the rop took me until Mr Ron came by for a review, which is almost 3 hours later and it is not even half way there. As Mr Ron was here, I canceled the ropping. I asked Mr Ron regarding about overlaying another simulation over the existing. He told me it was very easy, just bring in the other geometry pieces as static objects and make them fall inside dops.

He helped me optimised a terrain proxy to calculate the collisions of the extra geometries. He also helped me did a little demo on how to go about doing it. After that, I told him, I will give it a try regarding overlaying the simulations.

First, I rop out separate bgeos for the different rocks.

I then imported them separately into the scene.

Inside the scene, I decided which rock I want it to break apart, and I did a fracturing system for each of them separately.

I picked the arc first,

I will not go into the minor details, as this has been taught to me way back. Anyways, what is going on here in this hierarchy is, basically I am painting the pieces size on the geometry itself.

After this, I used a sphere to break it all apart inside dops.

Inside the dops, I imported the arc as a rbdfractureobject, and the sphere as a rbdobject. I then did a simple system after that and the result is that it breaks. I could also tweak the timing of the breaking, just by tweaking the sphere timing. I then hid the sphere. I then did a dopimport to bring the simulation out from the dopnetwork.

This is how it looks:

I then decided to do the breaking for another rock. I used exactly the same network to tackle this problem and the result is shown below:

I left the grouping of points based on velocity data bgeos sequence to rop overnight. Hopefully nothing will be wrong with it tomorrow.

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