Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 50

Mr Douglas dropped by today to check on our progress. I showed him the bgeo sequence I playblasted, with the pieces falling. He said it looks alright. The delayed load shader also works well for the render.


I heard some comments regarding the fracturing and I decided to fix them one by one.

1: The opening of the earth seems too wide.
2: The falling pieces are too big.
3: The terrain thickness should be much more.

For 1st comment, I went into the point node and tweak the multiplier lower,

For 2nd comment, I went into the crackmap and painted more on the edges and increase the scatter points to make the pieces smaller.

For the 3rd comment. I increased the extrudevolume node a lot more, to cover up the thickness of the terrain. 

I spend the day re-ropping out all the bgeo sequences.

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